Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that leads to the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells. Practically, management of T1D requires multiple daily insulin injections, insulin pump therapy, or the use of an autom...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public health problem that an estimated 843.6 million individuals are currently affected by various stages of the disease, whereas the prevalence of CKD is increasing, and Hong Kong is no exception1. Yet, the...
The Burden of Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most prominent causes of death and suffering in the 21 st century. The number of patients affected by CKD has substantially increased with an estimate of 843.6 million i...
Previous research has shown a relationship between weight gain around holiday seasons and seasonal variations in lifestyle behaviours and eating patterns. As glycaemic outcome is also to directly affected by the lifestyle behaviours and eating patte...
Early Blood Glucose Control as the Key to Preventing and Delaying Progression DM is the leading cause of CKD worldwide. The Hong Kong Central Renal Registry reported that diabetic nephropathy (DN) accounts for nearly 50% of patients who undergo dial...
Finerenone, a selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, has been proven to reduce albuminuria in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes in previous trials. Recently, a clinical trial reported the long-term effects of f...
The Complication of T2DM with AF Prolonged elevation in blood glucose level would result in various health complications including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and kidney diseases 4 . In particular, T2DM was found to be a strong and independent ri...
The impact of blood glucose control on the degree of required medical interventions and mortality in patients with COVID-19 and T2DM remains uncertain. A recent retrospective study involving 7337 patients with COVID-19, among which 952 cases had pre...
The Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Hong Kong (EDMHK) 2 nd Annual Meeting The Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Hong Kong (EDMHK) 2019 meeting held on 26th – 27th October 2019 was jointly organised by the University of Hong Kon...
Unique mechanism with pharmacodynamic stability In order to achieve recommended glycaemic targets and minimise the risk of hypoglycaemia, low variability in glucose-lowering effect is definitely needed. However, the pharmacodynamic effects of exogen...
Far More than Glycaemic Control Diabetes mellitus (DM) is common, affecting approximately 10% of Hong Kong adult population 1 . Good control to prevent vascular complications from diabetes is one of the key issues to tackle in the long-term manageme...
Managing Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with Topical Therapeutics Neuropathic pain is a disorder of the central and peripheral nervous system resulting from a lesion or disease. In diabetic patients, neuropathic pain (referred to as diabetic polyneu...