A Great Leap forward in Therapeutic Development

Understanding the molecular mechanisms of different diseases allows us to develop novel medicines. Yet, developing a brand-new drug is relatively costly and laborious, especially for treating rare diseases. Drug repurposing has been progressively gr...

Aug 18, 2021
No Additional Benefit in Prescribing Longer Antibiotic Courses

Antibiotic is extensively used in clinical practices for treating bacterial infections. Yet, antibiotic resistance is also a serious global health concern and resistant bacteria have posed tremendous threat to global health in 21 st century. A recen...

May 19, 2021
Rapamycin Shows Anti-Aging Effects in Human Skin

Originally indicated for preventing organ rejection in patients receiving organ transplants, rapamycin is now being explored for its potential to intervene with the aging process and extend lifespan. A recent study showed that topical application of...

Sep 30, 2020
Low-dose Aspirin was Associated with Lower Liver-related Mortality

In a nationwide study of patients with chronic viral hepatitis in Sweden, the long-term effects of low-dose (≤160 mg) aspirin on incident hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), liver-related mortality, and gastrointestinal bleeding were investigated. 50...

May 13, 2020