On the PulseHighlights on biomedical research 
Effectiveness of Virus-neutralising Monoclonal Antibodies in Outpatients with COVID-19
BY: Jason ChowDec 15, 2020

Effectiveness of Virus-neutralising Monoclonal Antibodies in Outpatients with COVID-191


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes the outbreak of COVID-19. Virus-neutalising monoclonal antibodies targeting SARA-CoV-2 were though to reduce the viral load, relieve symptoms and prevent hospitalisation. In a recent phase 2 study, a total of 452 outpatients, who were diagnosed with mild or moderate COVID-19, were assigned to receive a single intravenous infusion of virus-neutalising monoclonal antibodies (LY-CoV555). At day 11, patients who received the 2800-mg dose of LY-CoV555 demonstrated a significant lower viral load when compared with placebo. Moreover, patients who received the antibody had a slightly improvement of symptoms on days 2-6 and a lower rate of COVID-19-related hospitalisation versus placebo. This interim analysis showed that virus-neutralising monoclonal antibody appeared to accelerate the natural decline in viral load over time.



1. Chen P, et al. N Engl J Med. 2020; doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2029849.