Event Highlights
Hong Kong FemTech Start-up Launches HPV Detection Sanitary Pads
BY: Dr. Roy LauFeb 17, 2025

Cervical cancer is the 4th most common type of cancer in females globally, whereas over 99.7% of cervical cancers are due to persistent infection with genital type high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). Notably, the estimated lifetime probability of acquiring HPV is unexpectedly high in both genders with 84.6% cases reported in females and 91.3% in males. Although most HPV subtypes are classified as low risk, the subtypes may cause benign diseases, such as genital warts. Given that most HPV infections are asymptomatic, diagnostic screening for HPV is thus a vital part of reducing risk of cervical cancer.


Conventionally, cytology test (Pap smear) has been the primary screening test for cervical cancer. However, a substantial proportion of women refuse taking the test, primarily due to the invasive procedure in collecting cells from the cervix and surrounding area. Besides, the subjective nature and relatively low sensitivity of Pap smear have prompted the development of better testing modalities with a higher accuracy.


Recently, WomenX, a local femtech start-up, has launched the non-invasive HPV testing sanitary pad ("PadX-HPV"), which is the first non-invasive method detecting 24 HPV subtypes directly from menstrual blood. The innovation offers a more accessible option for those uncomfortable with the traditional Pap smear tests. Essentially, a local study involving 119 Hong Kong female participants indicated that the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PadX-HPV reached 100%, 98.9%, and 99.2%, respectively.


On 8-January-2025, a forum titled "Transforming Health: FemTech Against Cervical Cancer" was co-organised by WomenX and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP). During the event, leading experts from the health and technology sectors, including representatives from Mannings, Alliance Medical Group Holdings (AMG), EPlus Healthcare Centre (EPlus), FemTech Future, DEFTA Partners and etc. discussed the challenges and opportunities of self-testing products, focusing on increasing accessibility and credibility. Furthermore, the future of FemTech and the investment landscape was highlighted as well.


Dr. Choi Pui Wah, founder of WomenX, discussed the challenges and opportunities of self-testing products


Participants from local health and technology sectors


Exhibition outlined the evolution of PadX-HPV


Guest participated in panel discussion


Dr. Choi and leading experts from local health and technology sectors