The Hong Kong Cancer Registry reported that a total of 34,028 new cancer cases were diagnosed in Hong Kong in 2018, whereas 16,988 of them were diagnosed in women. The number of new cases in women have increased by 4.9% as compared to 2017. Particularly, breast cancer ranks the first place among female cancers in Hong Kong, with the incidence increased nearly 4 times within the past 25 years.
While the prognosis of breast cancer varies by different biological subtypes and stages, the occurrence of gene mutations would indicate the risk of breast cancer as well. For instance, carriers of BRCA mutations have a significantly increased risk for breast cancer for as high as 70%. Thus, genetic screening for individuals with increased risk for breast and other gynaecologic cancers, such as those with family history, is highly recommended to facilitate early detection of the disease and to prescribe timely treatment if needed.
In light of this issue, the Hong Kong Health Care Alliance has joined hands with local genetic testing centres to launch Women’s Health Genetic Testing Subsidy Scheme, which subsidises the genetic screening services for 30 high-risk individuals of inherited breast and gynaecologic cancers. On 28th September, 2021, a press conference addressing the missions of the scheme was held. In the event, Dr. Ng Wan Ying, Alice and Dr. So Hon Fai highlighted the importance of genetic testing in population with increased risk of gynaecologic cancers and presented the details of the subsidy scheme.
Women’s Health Genetic Testing Subsidy Scheme aims to subsidise individuals with increased risk of inherited breast and gynaecologic cancers on genetic screening services
Dr. Ng Wan Ying, Alice recommended that high-risk individuals for breast cancer should undergo BRCA mutation screening
Dr. So Hon Fai outlined the technical issues in genetic testing for gynaecological oncogenes